Call to action

The solution to the AMR issue has to come through multi-stakeholder coordination as outlined by the five key aspects of the GRIP Pentagonal Framework for Change:

  • The scale of the AMR issue varies significantly between countries and requires POLICY interventions that are endorsed by local governments and clinical communities of practice.
  • Vaccines, hygiene and sanitation are important tools in the PREVENTION and spread of infections
  • PRESCRIBERS have an array of tools to manage patients' expectations on how to build and maintain an effective dialogue with patients
  • PHARMACISTS can play a pivotal role in preventing use of antibiotics by acting as community antibiotic educators providing advice on symptomatic management and guidance on when to consult a doctor
  • PATIENT education is key to drive behavioural change and empower patients in self-management through appropriate symptomatic relief

Antibiotic conservation requires coordinated, multi-pronged, multi-stakeholder, multi-disciplinary partnerships underpinned by national and international policies that suspend sectoral interests for public good.